Foodshion Garden in Market Drayton is a fully licensed Chinese and Thai restaurant and takeaway.

In the event that you are looking for a restaurant there isn’t question that Foodshion Garden in Market Drayton is an ideal match with your day
Do you have any issues a s regards your eating diets? This is not a problem in Foodshion Garden in Market Drayton. Indeed here there are also alternatives as vegetarian friendly.
Drop by and make the most of your time in here as it serves drinks. The formula for accomplishment of this place is its pancakes. Here you will be offered delicious prawns. Delectable beef is served at this spot.
Foodshion Garden is well known for its great service and friendly staff, that is always ready to help you. Prices at this place are worth attention as they’re fair. The beautiful decor and pleasant atmosphere let guests feel relaxed here.
Sitting outside, you will appreciate a wonderful view. The high evaluations of this eatery wouldn’t be conceivable without the expert waitstaff. Decent assistance is something that visitors feature in their remarks. Delicious dinners at satisfactory costs are offered here. You will see the value in the heavenly style and comfortable vibe of this restaurant.
If you want to try other types of cuisine also, here’s a list of the best 15 restaurants in Market Drayton.