It is 175 years since Christchurch, Little Drayton, was consecrated on the 23rd September, 1847. A series of activities and exhibitions are planned to take place in the church throughout the summer, culminating in a rededication service led by the Bishop of Shrewsbury on Sunday 9th October.
Activities began on Saturday 2nd July, with an Open Gardens trail with refreshments available in the church. On the same day, visitors were also able to enjoy the week-long Flower Festival being exhibited throughout the church, organised by members of the Market Drayton Flower Club.
A Wedding Dress Catwalk, with some dresses modelled by their owners, followed, on Saturday, 9th July.
In August there will be an exhibition of Times Past Memorabilia. Christchurch has played a significant part of the Little Drayton community for baptisms, weddings and funerals and the Sunday School originally held in the Schoolhouse/Community Centre. We are reaching out to the community to share their recollections, and memorabilia.
On Saturday, 3rd September, members of Market Drayton U3A History group will be exhibiting the findings of their research on the church and its wider history. This will include information on significant facts about the church’s past together with an extensive mapping project of the graveyard burials. Records of these have proved challenging to locate. They will be pleased to receive any historical information relating to the church or the churchyard.
— Jacqui Wright, Churchwarden
Christchurch: 175 years
An appeal:
Contributions in the form of recollections, memorabillia and images connected to Christchurch,
Little Drayton, and any historical information relating to the church or the churchyard will be greatly welcomed.